30th EAA Annual Meeting (Roma, 28-31 agosto 2024)
Assunta Mercogliano, Mihalis Gazis, Andreas Spiroulias, Konstantinos Filis, Anno Hein e Peter M. Day “Incised pottery of the EH III – MH I NW Peloponnese: Regional insights into the Cetina phenomenon”
The Archaeology of Affluence. Comparative Perspectives on Surplus, Wealth, and Social Organization in the Aegean, the Central Mediterranean, and the Near East in the Bronze and Early Iron Age (Bologna, 8-9 maggio 2024).
Elisabetta Borgna, Assunta Mercogliano: “Affluence, resources and social growth in a long-term rural community of Eastern Achaea: the Trapeza of Aigion, from MBA to the final LBA”.
Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research in the Peloponnese. Technological Traditions Through the Ages (Atene, 4-6 aprile 2024)
Assunta Mercogliano, Elisabetta Borgna, Peter M. Day, Anno Hein, Vassilis Kilikoglou: “Pottery production and circulation at the MH settlement of the Trapeza”.
Sympozjum Egejskie. 9th Conference in Aegean Archaeology (Varsavia, 19-20 giugno 2023)
Assunta Mercogliano: “Coarse ware from the Middle Helladic settlement of the Trapeza: overview of shapes, functions and historical development”.