M. Gori, A. Magrì, “Lokalitet: Škarin Samograd”, Hrvatski arheološki godišnjak (submitted).
M. Gori, Le isole Adriatiche, in L. Bombardieri (ed.), Le isole del Mediterraneo preistorico, Carocci (submitted)
M. Gori, Long-Distance Networks in the Adriatic Balkans during the 3rd Millennium BCE, in Long-distance Connections in the Bronze Age Adriatic in the 3rd millennium BCE”, Int. conf. Interactions-Transmission-Transformation: Long-distance Connections in Metal Ages of South-eastern Europe (submitted).
M. Gori, “Living in the borderlands without perceiving the border: the Bell Beaker phenomenon and the Western Balkans”, in Proceedings International Conference “The Transformation of Europe in the Third Millennium BC”, 24-27/10/2012 Riva del Garda (submitted).